Renewable Power Holdings Incorporated

Infrastructure consulting, alternative energy, clean technologies & more

Target Markets

Market Size

The need for consulting and development services for general energy infrastructure is a sizable market since it so broad. The speicialization in  Waste-to-Energy (WTE) or Biomass-to-Energy (BTE) projects is growing and as fossils fuels gradually increase in cost these alternative solutions will grow accordingly.  Most WTE & BTE opportunities are based on many factors but all rely on the long term supply of waste or biomass materials and the energy commodities available from the project.  Based on social and economic conditions, Renewable Power is focused primarily on the US, Central America, Canada, cetrain areas in Europe (through our subsidiary Renewable Power Development Europe, s.r.l.) and some Island Communities.

When considering the opportunities for WTE and BTE projects based on waste volume, any material that is either recycled or does not have any fuel value can not be considered as part of the supply for sizing a WTE project.  Considering this limitation, the Total Available Market (TAM) for WTE projects is as follows:    

         US                    -           135 million tons per year

         Canada             -           13 million tons per year (based on %)

         EU                    -           200 million tons per year (based on %)

It takes 20 to 25 gasification units to consume 1 million tons per year of waste fuel.  At this rate, it would require 70 to 90 gasification units to handle even 1% of the TAM, which would easily support the development of 20 to 30 WTE projects.

When considering the available energy commodities from WTE projects, industrial customers that use natural gas as a fuel to generate electricity and/or thermal energy would provide the primary opportunity to develop projects.  If utility power generation and chemical feedstock quantities are deducted from the total natural gas market, the following quantities would define the TAM for each of the target markets:           


           US                    -           9.68 TCF*                       

           Canada             -           0.90 TCF*            

           EU                    -           7.02 TCF*

* Trillion Cubic Feet / Year

It takes 15 to 20 gasification units to produce the energy equivalent to 0.01 TCF of Natural Gas.  At this rate, it would take 125 to 175 gasification units to handle even 0.5% of the TAM, which would easily support the development of 42 to 60 WTE projects.

Whether the project driver is a waste disposal solution, a biomass opportunity or an energy supply solution, there are enough opportunities for Renewable Power to secure consulting and development services for clean renewable energy projects in our target markets to keep us busy for a very long time!